Monday, July 25, 2011

The Blame Game

Tragedy recently struck Norway in the form of a deranged man who set off a bomb in Oslo and went on a shooting spree at a youth camp. Nearly one hundred people are known to be dead, with many more people still counted as missing.

The accused killer is quoted as saying he used Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as a "training simulator"....

 I started writing this article with the intent of making the point that COD isn't a training simulator and that video game violence is not at all a cause of what sparked this tragedy, as is already being brought up by various news outlets.  But that is not fair. It's not fair to the victims or their families. Instead of trying to blame this or that or explain why games do not correlate to violence, let's all just take a moment out or respect for the dead and give a thought to all those affected. I won't give this nut job any more coverage than he is already getting, and I won't use this heinous act to try and argue for or against video games. If all we can do is use this to try and get a point across, than maybe our priorities and values are a little out of whack.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The King is Dead........ Long Live Thy King!

This will be my first blog, so bear with me for a few weeks while I get everything in order. Welcome, to Hold Down Reset, a blog about gaming mainly, but I will make sure to throw in some other thoughts on life, the universe, and all that every now and again. You'll see some gaming news, reviews, thoughts and hopes, and maybe even a few dreams. Since this is a blog I will address everyone on a personal level, but when I am writing a review I shall endeavour to keep things on a semi-professional level.

Where are my manners? Introductions are in order. I am Jon Rhoades, former writer for, and full time husband and father. I enjoy the act of posting a finished article (though the writing of it can be torturous at times) so after my stint with the9er ended I figured I shouldn't give up the ghost. I will try and post at least once a week, however the initial posts will probably be old the9er articles.

I hope you enjoy the content to follow in the coming weeks. Thanks!

A totally unrelated picture!